By The N-fans, For The N-fans
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NES - Games - M-P - Master Chu & The Drunkard Hu
Master Chu & The Drunkard Hu:
 Maker: Color Dreams, Inc.
 Genre: Action
 Players: 1 or 2

 Gameplay: 2/10
 Graphics: 3/10
 Enjoyment: 0/10
 Difficulty: 5/10
 Overall: 2/10
    Dear god in Heaven, make it stop.
    I've played some pretty crappy games in my day. This one takes the cake. Apparently this was put out by Color Dreams (one of those unofficial NES cartridge makers), I guess because the demand for awful Chinese-related games was high and they were under pressure from the people!
    Master Chu is a side-scrolling shooter like MegaMan, SMB, etc, etc. but has nothing to offer the gamer. Apparently the point of the game is to collect up to 8 "Symbols of Harmony" (yin/yang symbols) per level in order to face-off against the boss. The only way, however, to gather these "Symbols of Harmony" is to shoot anywhere that doesn't have one of the poorly drawn monsters, among which includes spiders and snakes ("but that ain't what it takes to love me!") and hope to shoot a place where the yin/yang symbols are hanging. Unfortunately they appear to be randomized and never appear in the same place (unlike, say, hidden boxes in SMB) so you just gotta keep shooting til you acquire 8, while avoiding being killed by the monsters.
    There is also "levitation" featured in the game which basically involves standing on an invisible platform. By the same token, there are many obvious platforms where one CAN NOT stand. This game also gets bonus points for pissing me off by mixing Hindu gods with an obviously Chinese premise and very simplistic understanding of Shiva, the "god of destruction" and his "evil demons."
    Deputy Disco Duck fans will be interested to know that there's a monster in the game named "Diabolocal Duck" who is my older brother.
NES - Games - M-P - Master Chu & The Drunkard Hu
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